Download VideoScribe for your desktop

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If your download doesn't start, click here for macOS and click here for Windows. For app support and help, plus a range of free tutorials, visit The Help Site. To learn more about the latest version of VideoScribe for Desktop, view our release notes v3.14.

Downloading for your free trial?

Don't forget, your 7 day free trial doesn't start until you log into VideoScribe. So you can download VideoScribe today, but wait until you're ready to start your trial.

Try VideoScribe Browser

Running out of RAM space or storage on your computer to download VideoScribe software? No worries! You can access VideoScribe Browser on your favorite internet browser and start creating instantly today.

Fun fact 💡 VideoScribe Browser and VideoScribe Desktop are distinct products, each offering unique functionalities tailored to user preferences. Projects created in VideoScribe Browser can't be edited in VideoScribe Desktop, and vice versa. This separation means each platform maintains its specific feature set while optimizing the animation creation process you! To learn more about which option is best for your projects, click here or watch our video below.

Your helpful resources to get started

The Help Site

Your one-stop-shop for helpful articles, tutorials and support creating with VideoScribe

Inspiration from our blog

Read the latest news and views from our authors in the VideoScribe blog

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